Geophysics Seminars
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March 20, 2013
Determining the in situ state in volume of interest
Nov. 21, 2012
Post-Earthquake Seismic Reflection Survey, Christchurch, New Zealand
Oct. 31, 2012
Gas Hydrate Exploration with Marine Electromagnetics: Understanding Charge Distributions in the Ocean Floor
Oct. 24, 2012
European Ambient Noise: In the Quest of the Lost Storm
May 22, 2012
A Brief History of Depth...and Time Seismic Imaging
March 28, 2012
Mantle Convection Models featuring Plate Tectonics
March 14, 2012
Magnetic Mysteries of Earth and Mars
Feb. 1, 2012
Applied Near-Surface Geophysics Research with Undergraduate Students
Feb. 29, 2012
3D Shear-wave Velocity Imaging by Ambient Seismic Nosie Tomography
Jan. 25, 2012
Multiscale Geophysical Inversions
Dec. 7, 2011
SEG Distinguished Lecturer: Imaging the Earth's near Surface: The why and how of applied Geophysics for the 21st Century
Dec. 1, 2011
Precambrian Supercontinents - A Paleomagnetic View
Nov. 23, 2011
Past and Future Earthquakes in Eastern Canada
Nov. 16, 2011
3D Laser Imaging For Underground Mining Applications
Oct. 26, 2011
Geological and Geophysical Application of Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR): An Overview with Select Examples
Oct. 5, 2011
Quantitative Interpretation, New Challenges and Economic View
March 30, 2011
The Relation between Natural Fracturing and Stress Heterogeneities in Deep-Seated Rocks: Insight from Deep Geothermal Boreholes and Implication for Deep Mining
March 16, 2011
Past and Future Earthquakes in Eastern Canada
Nov. 17, 2010
The First Transiting Super- Earths
Nov. 24, 2010
Seismic Methods in Mineral Exploration of the Athabasca Basin
Sept. 22, 2010
Mapping Active Faults using 3D Ground-Penetrating Radar and 2D and 3D High- Resolution Reflection Seismology
Sept. 22, 2010
Mapping Active Faults using 3D Ground-Penetrating Radar and 2D and 3D High- Resolution Reflection Seismology
March 4, 2010
A Tutorial on Airborne Electromagnetic Methods and Some examples from Mineral exploration, Hydrocarbon exploration and Water exploration
March 4, 2010
A Tutorial on Airborne Electromagnetic Methods and Some examples from Mineral exploration, Hydrocarbon exploration and Water exploration
March 17, 2010
Improved methods for interpreting magnetic gradient tensor data
March 17, 2010
Improved methods for interpreting magnetic gradient tensor data
March 30, 2010
J.Tuzo Wilson Lecture - "Sustainable Energy- without the hot air"
March 30, 2010
J.Tuzo Wilson Lecture - "Sustainable Energy- without the hot air"
Feb. 24, 2010
Confirmation of the hypervelocity impact origin of a structure, numerical modeling, and constraints on the P-T conditions involved
Feb. 24, 2010
Confirmation of the hypervelocity impact origin of a structure, numerical modeling, and constraints on the P-T conditions involved