Climate Dynamics
The study of the climate system, and of climate evolution, has come to occupy a pivotal position in Earth scientific research. Depending upon the temporal and spatial scales of interest, the focus may be upon single climate system components - atmosphere, oceans, cryosphere, biosphere, or upon the interactions between some or all of these elements simultaneously.
Remote Sounding
The Atmospheric Remote Sounding Group in EAPP is engaged in a wide variety of projects to investigate the composition of the atmosphere and its change over time due to natural and artificial causes. We develop and use instrumentation to detect ultraviolet, visible, and infrared radiation, we analyse the resulting spectra to determine trace gas concentrations, and we interpret these measurements in terms of chemical and dynamical processes occurring in the atmosphere.
Geophysical Fluid Dynamics
Geophysical fluid dynamics refers to the fundamental fluid dynamics of the Earth-atmosphere-ocean system. The group's activities include the use of a hierarchy of numeral analysis methods and simulation models. Research topics include baroclinic instability, mixing and turbulence, convection, balanced dynamics, general circulation dynamics, middle atmosphere dynamics, core dynamics, magnetohydrodynamics and mantle convection.
Geophysical Imaging through Seismology, Gravity and EM methods
Geophysical Imaging refers to using fundamental waves (e.g. seismic) and fields (e.g. gravity) to image the interior structure and composition of the planet. The group's activities include using advanced numerical methods and inverse theory to analyze data from satellites and in situ instruments. These methods are applied to a wide range of problems including imaging the shallow crust for energy resources and hazards, investigating plate tectonics and cratering processes, and imaging the deep structure of the Earth to determine its composition and physical properties.
Our research interests include:
- Instrument and Mission Development
- Calibration and Validation of Satellite Instruments
- Field Campaigns - ground-based and balloon-borne
- Observatories and Networks
- Laboratory Spectroscopy
- Exploitation of Satellite Data Sets
- Atmosphere-ocean Dynamics
- Chemical Data Assimilation and Inverse Modelling
- Climate Modelling
- Planetary Atmospheres
- Planetary Interiors and Evolution
- Global Seismology
- Exploration Geophysics
- Plate Tectonics
- Planetary Magnetism
- Dynamo Theory
- Core Dynamics
- Mantle Convection
- Geodynamics
- Marine Electromagnetics