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Application and Admission to Graduate Programs in Physics
Admission Requirements and Qualifications
Before commencing an application for admission to the MSc or PhD program in Physics, please review the following requirements and qualifications carefully.
Key Dates and Deadlines
Application Procedures
Application opens on October 7th. The application deadline is December 12th. The December 12th deadline is the date by which all application materials must be submitted to the online application portal; this includes all supporting documents and reference letters. (Two reference letters are required.) Applicants should complete their application and pay the $125 CAD application fee well in advance of the December 12th deadline to allow referees ample time to submit their letters.
How is admission decided and by whom?
Applications are reviewed and all admission decisions taken by the Graduate Admission Committee, which is comprised of faculty who represent the full spectrum of research within the Department of Physics. The Committee may request input from other faculty members with appropriate expertise in Physics or cognate disciplines in order to evaluate applications effectively.
Financial Support
Get-to-Know-Us Events
For admitted students, we hold several events in March to allow prospective students to meet faculty, discuss with current graduate students, and learn more about the graduate program.
Pre-doctoral Summer Research Program
Incoming MSc and PhD students will be eligible to apply for a Pre-doctoral Summer Research Fellowship (PSRF).
Frequently Asked Questions
Further Information