Colloquia time and location: 3:10 pm, McLennan Physics MP102 with coffee beforehand at 2:45 pm in MP110.
Starting Fall 2022, the Physics Colloquium will start at a new time of 3:10 pm (instead of 4:10 pm). Colloquium speakers will either present in-person or online, and both formats will be live streamed. Whether the colloquium speaker is presenting in-person or online, we will hold an in-person coffee, starting at 2:45 in MP110, and then move to MP102 for the 3:10 pm start of the colloquium.
Even if the colloquium speaker is presenting remotely, we will use MP102 as a room to watch the live stream, for those attendees who want to watch the live stream as a group.
For all colloquia, attendees are free to watch the live stream from another location.
Recordings of the colloquia will be posted.
Our colloquium series reflects the diverse research interests and pursuits of the department.
Please forward your suggestions for speakers to Colloquium Chairs Nicolas Grisouard (email: nicolas.grisouard at and Sid Goyal (email: goyal at or to Colloquium Secretary Joane Magnaye (email: joan.magnaye at To get up-to-date announcements about upcoming colloquia, please subscribe to the Colloquium mailing list (see link below).
- Online Physics Colloquia - related material archive from 2005 - 2019. From 2020 onward see button "related materials" below.
All physics colloquia held at the University of Toronto will now be available online. If you'd like just the PDF file, you can download the PDF file only (if available). To view the voice-synchronized version, just click on the *.ppt file for the talk, and click on open at the prompt. If you have difficulty opening the file in your browser, you can download both *.ppt file and *.mp3 file in your computer under the same directory. - The talks are also live streamed to the Youtube Channel.
- Subscribe to the Colloquium Mailing List
- Directions to the Department of Physics